
Gratulujeme nášmu kolegovi Ing. Jurajovi Pečeňanskému k získaniu Certifikátu Passive House Designer.

Dear Mr Pečeňanský!

It’s a pleasure to inform you that you’ve passed the Certified Passive House Designer examination, which you took part on 06.06.2014 hosted by IEPD.

Your certificate will arrive by post within a few days. Please find the official seal attached, which you can use according to the conditions described in the examination regulations.

On behalf of the Passive House Institute congratulations and best regards.

For the web database, the following contact details will be published in a few days time:
Juraj Pečeňanský
(name of company, if applicable) Kontrakting krov hrou s.r.o.
Dolné Rudiny 1
010 01 Žilina
Žilinský kraj Slovakia

Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards

Matthias Theumer

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