Terchová – Vŕšky Pension and wellness

Terchová Vŕšky – Pension

Completion: 2009

Project: Ing. Katarína Ihnatišinová

Main contractor: RBR spol. s.r.o.

Supplier of wooden structure and roofs:

Kontrakting krov hrou spol. s.r.o. (KKH)

Kontrakting stavebné montáže spol. s.r.o. (KSM)

Production and assembly documentation: Ing. Juraj Ďurík, KKH

Construction management: Ing. Igor Mičunda, Rudolf Žilinčík, Jozef Ďurana, Michal Holeš, KSM

Terchová Vŕšky – Wellness

Completion: 2014

Project: Ing. Katarína IhnatišinováMain contractor: RBR spol. s.r.o.
Supplier of wooden structure and roofs:
Kontrakting krov hrou spol. s.r.o. (KKH)Kontrakting stavebné montáže spol. s.r.o. (KSM)
Production and assembly documentation:
Ing. Pavol Vojtuš, KSM
Construction management:
Ing. Lukáš Grék, Stanislav Ďurana, Michal Holeš


Other implementations

Bratislava – House under the Castle

Lučenec – swimming pool

RD Bratislava – Devín

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