When building a family house in Stránske, our client had a clear idea of his dream home from the beginning. His ideal idea was a two-generation family house, which is two-storey, with two separate residential units. Each apartment should have a separate entrance and a small cellar.
The building we built is set on a slight slope with maximum emphasis on the view of the surrounding landscape. The specifics of the building include, for example, the so-called “white shell”, which is represented by covered walkways and small terraces that are located around the entire building. The building thus acquires unique outdoor spaces. With their concept, these spaces allow residents to enjoy the year-round suitable climate that the surrounding environment offers.
The overall concept of the family house is complemented by a garden consisting mainly of plants typical of the region of northern Slovakia. The garden transfers visual impressions from the surrounding nature to the direct contact of our satisfied clients.
Structurally, the family house is designed as an ultra-low-energy building, created from a column structure, with a pre-existing thermal insulation structure. The ceiling, which is located above the non-basement part, is made of Ligno Rippe Q3 wooden panels 196 and 275 mm thick with an acoustic ceiling. The ceiling is loaded with macadam 4-8 mm thick for better acoustic properties. The impact sound is muffled by the fiberboard.
Title: Family house
Place: Stránske
Author: Ing. arch. Petronela Pagáčová, Mgr. art. Bjorn Kierulf | CREATERRA s.r.o.
Chief Project Engineer: CREATERRA s.r.o.
Main contractor: Kontrakting stavebné montáže spol. s r.o., Kontrakting krov hrou s.r.o.
Production and assembly documentation: Ing. Pavol Vojtuš
Implementer: Kontrakting stavebné montáže spol. s r.o.
Construction managers: Ing. Tomáš Horník, Michal Holeš
Investor: private person
Project: 2015
Implementation: 2016 – 2017
Built-up area of the house: 148 m2
Built-up area of the garage: 44 m2
Total floor area of the house and garage: 162 m2
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The Staviame team from dreva.sk.